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Category: Ideation

ResiX (Top 30)

ResiX (Top 30)
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An Naafi Lathifah
Fajril Mardiansah
Sekar Kumala Desi
Shinta Litania Duhain
Yohannes Bayu Suryo
Muhamad Miftahul Fahmi
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ResiX (Top 30)


propose sustainability solution

The challenge

Waste production in Indonesia reaches 67,8 million tonnes each year. The percentage of organic waste is 60%, mostly from food waste production. Terrible waste explosion tragedy in 2005 buried 2 villages due to bad waste-management practices. Nevertheless, food wastes can be resourceful materials to produce biogas as an alternative renewable energy.

The solution

Our solution is to deliver a technology within one container box that can transform the food waste (organic waste) into energy. This can be a solution to solve both the food waste problems and energy transition in Indonesia.

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