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Category: Ideation


Team info
Dominik Eberle
Are you looking for co-founders?


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

- Searching for a technical Co-Founder. - Coding, App Development (Front-End Developer) - UX/UI Design

Contact us!



Impact lives of an entire generation.

The challenge

Imagine you are a student. The first time you're really on your own; there’s this pressure to get good grades, a new culture, far away from family and on top there’s this big task of managing your day-to-day life. Little time to think about a balanced diet, cost-effective decisions, sustainable grocery shopping etc. Most end up ordering their meals, defrosting pizza and eating the same every day. Students lose sight of a fundamental aspect of life, affecting not only their academics but also their overall life quality. A self-conducted study encompassing over 1000 students and dozens of interviews confirmed the extent of the problem, and most students feel alone with facing them.

The solution

An App that tackles problems students face every day. Combining the most relevant features with first-class UI/UX design. An designed for students, by students. In our extensive market research, we recognised the primary challenges faced by students to be: Time Management, Financial Uncertainty, Health & Diet and Cooking Skills. Just as all these points are interrelated, a comprehensive solution seems consequential. In its first version, Stapp will be solely a Meal Planning App. But different.

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